Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How to Monetize a Website

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Monetizing your website essentially means to add things to it or make certain changes that will help your website make money or become profitable. There are hundreds of ways to monetize your website, and some of them are simple while others are more complex and costly. Generating traffic is one of the most effective ways to monetize your website, this is because the more traffic your site has, the more likely you are to make sales, get clicks on pay-per-click advertisements, and get purchases through your affiliate programs. From search engine optimization (SEO) to joining affiliate programs, you can use these steps as a guide to learn how to monetize a website.


Placing keywords in your site's content
  1. Create content that utilizes relevant keywords related to your niche or topic. This is known as SEO. You can use Google to search for keywords that are likely to bring in profit and traffic to your website. Make sure that all of your content is grammatically correct and all words are spelled correctly. It is also imperative that none of your content is copied from another website. You can check this by visiting a plagiarism site such as Copyscape.
Using Google resources for monetizing
  1. Sign up for Google Adwords, Google Adsense, and Google Analytics. These tools will help you to monetize your website easily with just a few clicks.
    • Google Adwords is a paid service. Many other websites will give you free Google Adwords credits so that you can get your site up and running quickly and easily. Create your own ad, set up how much you want to pay out in a day, choose your keywords, and watch the traffic pour in.
    • Google Adsense is a tool that enables Google to place ads on your website. You can set up the ads to match your site's theme as well as the topic of your website.
    • Google Analytics will help you keep track of website views and clicks on your website.
Promoting your website
  1. Submit your website URL to online directories and search engines. This includes Google, Yahoo, CityData, Bing, City Search, and many others that are based on your website topic. This will help you get your website noticed and bring in profits.
  2. Sign up for affiliate programs. There are many affiliate programs available to website owners that are free and can help bring in profits. Two of the most popular affiliate programs include and When a visitor on your site clicks on an ad by or and makes a purchase, you are compensated according to the guidelines in your contract.
  3. Advertise on other websites, or sell advertising space on your website. Companies may pay a lot of money to place an ad on your website if you get a sufficient amount of traffic and your site is reputable and related to their topic. You can also purchase advertising on other websites by contacting them to see if they are selling any space.
    • Once your site is getting a sufficient amount of traffic, you can begin searching for companies that might like to advertise on your website. Send them an email with pricing information as well as what you will offer them, including the ad's location and size. The businesses may respond if interested.
  4. Find products or eBooks to sell on your website. Make sure the products or eBooks are related to your topic and are of excellent quality.
  5. Add a donate button to your website. If you are a non-profit or charity organization, you can ask for donations. You can also ask visitors for donations in order to help keep your site going or upgrade. Use PayPal or other online merchants to find out how to add a donate button to your site.



  • Write blog posts or articles about your favorite products and work with networks like Skimlinks to convert popular keywords in those articles to affiliate links.
  • There are many more ways you can monetize your website; these steps are the most popular and will get your website up and going quickly and cost little money to start up. One of the most important things you can do is SEO.
  • Make sure you keep your site up to date and free of unnecessary clutter. A merchant will not want to advertise their products or brand name if your site is a montage on banners.
  • Add a "Related Content" plugin. Find a plugin that promotes related content and generates more income from each click on your site.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Monetize a Website. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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